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I am a population ecologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During my career, I have studied wild animals and their landscapes, as well as the people who make decisions in those spaces. I taught courses designed to improve students' ability to make decisions for conservation. I now am in the role of Director for the School of Natural Resources in UNL's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.. 

Landscapes for our future

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In 2023, I took the role of Director for the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is an honor to support my colleagues in the School in which I have worked for over 20 years. 

The School's motto is "Earth to Sky and Everything in Between" and our mission is to "Champion the Natural World."  Water, geology, wildlife, grasslands, forests, fish, climate, and people--these are the domains in which our team works. The School is bold, working at landscape scale to find ways to protect the dynamics of natural systems on working landscapes in Nebraska and throughout the world. You can find more about the School here

If you would like to support our students and our work, you can do so at this link

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​Painted turtle and drought publications: Read about our undergraduate-driven, long-term mark-recapture project's recent publications here! Reported by,, and Omaha World Herald.

Books: recent publications include Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management, Principles for Management of Fisheries and Wildlife
The Manager as Decision-maker, and 
Great Plains Birds

Watch highlights from our UNL 2019 Namibia study trip hereWe are headed back in 2024!

Find me: 3310 Holdrege Street  |  419 Hardin Hall  |  School of Natural Resources  |  University of Nebraska-Lincoln  |  Lincoln, NE  68583-0974  |  Tel: 402-472-8368  Fax: 402-472-2946

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